Arranged Marriages Essay

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Arranged marriages have been around for cemeteries and 95% of marriages in India are arranged so it brings us to the question are arranged marriages out of date or are Love marriages wrong and we should all convert to more traditional arranged marriage. Some may think that arranged marriages won’t work because there is no love in the relationship but on the contrary couples who’s marriages have been arranged claim that the grow to love their partner. Only 2% of arranged marriages in India don’t work out and. Although that may be because in India you are thought of very badly of if you get divorced and it brings shame on your family. Some fathers in India kill their daughters if they get divorced because it is less shameful to do that than to be divorced, there have been some cases of this happening. In some family’s they leave it until they’re in there twenties to see if they have found someone before setting their daughter or son with someone others are married off when they are 12. My personal view is that being married when you are 12 is wrong but others may disagree with me. Another point is that if they are in a love relationship they will know the person better than someone they met a few days earlier. Though couples that have arranged marriages claim that, that is good thing as it leaves surprise and suspense in the relationship. Although this could be a bad thing, as you wouldn’t know your partner and you could be a complete clash of personalities and he could be a bad person who like to abuse his wife. Husbands in India sometimes are physically violent to their wives if the father of the bride doesn’t have the money to pay the dowry. What the dowry is; is certain riches to give the husband for taking on the wife. This used be gold and silver but has now been replaced with cars and flat screen TV’s. If the dowry is not paid as the husbands can become
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