Arnold Schwarzenegger Recalls Lessons from 25 Years as a U.S Citizen – Learn English, Participate in Politics and, Give Back

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An Essay on: “Arnold Schwarzenegger recalls lessons from 25 years as a U.S citizen – learn English, participate in politics and, give back “– by Arnold Schwarzenegger The American dream is it what all Americans try to live up to. It is the ideal way to live. But is it not only the Americans who dream the American dream. Many people all over the world have a dream, to come to American and live the ideal life. But what and whom much does it take to archive the American dream? This is what Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about in his column, “Arnold Schwarz-enegger Recalls Lessons From 25 years as a U.S. Citizen – Learn English, Participate in Politics, and Give Back” from 2008. The main topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s column is; immigration and the way they can contribute to the American community. But also democracy and politics are an important part. Schwarzenegger’s column is written to the immigrants of America, but also to the every day American, he wants his massage about voting spread to all citizens of USA. The message of the column is, with hard work you can reach your dream, Schwarzenegger is a living proof. Also, if you want to be a part of America, you have to give something back, you cannot only take, you have to give first. Schwarzenegger also uses directive language functions by addressing the reader “you.” He is trying to make a direct connection to the single reader. He gives you ideas how to “give something back” to your community. “Pitch in a few hours every week at a soup kitchen, clean up a local park or riverbed, mentor a child, or coach a youth sports team.” Here Schwarzenegger is giving you some simple and easy ideas to how you can help, which makes the reader feel like he cares about the community. Which in America is a very important part of the everyday life. There can be many covered circumstances behind Schwarzenegger

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