Army Values Essay

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Army Values I served in the military for nine years. While I was in the Army, I leaned a lot of values and qualities that I didn’t know I possessed. The Army taught me the Army values: honor, integrity, loyalty, selfless-service, duty, personal courage and respect. I worked my way up from a private to a sergeant by standing by the Army values, by being a determined and a disciplined soldier. I have been deployed to war- torn countries and I have seen a lot of things and done a lot of things. I was injured in Iraq and I have been medically retired from the Army. I became a disabled veteran not by choice but the Army had to let me go. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and I have shrapnel in my right knee. My determination and discipline have gotten me through my treatment and rehab for my injuries. These qualities will also help me get through PPCC. What I bring to Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC) is my determination. An example of my determination was when I was in the army I wanted to become a sergeant, so I study hard and went to the promotion board and failed the first time. I was so determine to get my rank that I study harder and practice with mock boards so that when I went to the board a month later I knew I will pass. So with my determination and my discipline I passed my promotion board. I want to get my masters in social work. I am determined to have good grades in all my classes and to be present to all of my classes. I am determined to get my major in Associate of Arts from PPCC and then transfer to UCCS. After my completion of my education from both schools I will be eligible to work as a social worker for veterans and continue to work on my master’s degree. My determination will help me succeed in school and in life, and I believe that if I study hard and do what needs to

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