Arkansas River/Tenkiller Lake Comparasion

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The Arkansas River and Tenkiller Lake share a deep and similar history, but they are two very different identities. The Arkansas River is much larger than Tenkiller Lake, and travels through several states. Tenkiller Lake travels through the state of Oklahoma and empties into the Illinois River. The Illinois River travels through many states but is not part of this story. Tenkiller is a very large and beautiful man - made lake. Both bodies of water are sources of drinking water to the states they traverse. They both generate hydroelectric power that serves the many cities and states the electricity they need. The Arkansas River is a very large but shallow waterway that has been here long before Arkansas became a state. History records indicate The Arkansas River was home to and owned by Native American Indians, and traveled by many famous explorers. There were many battles on her waters and along her shores, many soldiers lived and died on the rivers banks. The Arkansas River has been a source of navigation since the 1800s. Because of technology and the United States Government, the Arkansas River became a changed and controlled river in the early 1900s. During the 1940s -1970s, the river projects went into effect to make the river deeper and wider. The Army Corps of Engineers designed and built Lock and Dams in strategic areas that would control the water levels, and maintain flood control. These lock and dams made traveling easier for steamboats, cargo barges, and other large vessels to go up and down the river. The dams were equipped for generating hydroelectric power and are still in use today. The Army Corps of Engineers built parks, recreations, and marinas for the tourists and locals. There are at least four lock and dams that generate hydroelectric power for many cities and states. The Arkansas

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