Argument for the Existence of God Based on Evil

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Argument for the Existence of God Based on Evil In the following essay, I will start by outlining the argument against the existence of God based on the existence of evil. I will then follow up by defining any relevant terms and assumptions. I will then proceed with my attack on this argument against the existence of God by rejecting the second premise, which states: that if an all-PKG being existed, there would be no evil. Finally, I will state any objections to my argument. This essay concerns itself with proving that God does not exist, however my personal belief is that God does exist. The argument against the existence of God based on the existence of evil is outlined as: 1. If God were to exist, then that being would be an omnipotent, omniscient, and Omni-benevolent. 2. If an all-PKG being existed, then there would be no evil. 3. There is evil 4. Hence, there is no God. (Sober, pg. 109) The argument is deductively valid and is what we call a reduction ad absurdum argument (“reductio”, for short) (Sober, pg. 44). An all-PKG God is the definition of God provided by St. Thomas Aquinas. It describes a God that is personal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. Theodicy is one criticism against the second premise of this argument, which attempts to try and explain why an all-PKG allows evil to exist (Sober, pg. 111). Theodicy claims that some evils are necessary as they have the property of being “soul-building”. Soul-building evils are meant to force human beings to live through adversity and in turn strengthen our characters (Sober, pg. 111). Another criticism that exists to this second premise is called defense, which attempts to explain how evil can exist logically, given the existence of God (an all-PKG God) (“The Problem of Evil”). However, defense does not presuppose the existence of God or the existence of evil. If God and evil can
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