Are We Too Busy to Enjoy Life?

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Recently I’ve found myself annoyed by how busy my friends and family seem. In today's fast paced world we often zip through life full speed and never slow down to just breathe. We are so busy trying to get to appointments, tuitions, meetings, and gatherings. Don't get me wrong, these things are okay in their place, and I applaud those who are out there trying their best to live a successful life. I mean I am guilty of this myself. While it is sometimes a necessary thing to do this, I had to ask myself, “Do I really need to be this busy?” Sometimes, we are too busy to notice we’re too busy. We are not really wired for the rapid pace we are living. Our brains can transfer information very swiftly, but most of us need time to process experience, just the way good bread dough needs time to rise. This is an era of over-booked schedules, instant messaging, fast food and express transportation. Life has become so fast, so busy, and so pressured that, for many, it has become stressful, depriving us of pleasure. Listening to the people I interact with, I hear one common grievance, “There is no time.” Now I realize that busyness is not an absolute: everyone has a different threshold. While we are all affected by the fast pace of our culture, people are different. Their circumstances vary; their families are unique, and their experience is individual. I have one friend for whom more than one social engagement a weekend is just too much; others love to party, party, and party. And most people would trade in bored and stagnant for a little stress if they were engaged in doing something they loved. I am also aware that there are many who have no options; who must work exhausting hours simply to survive. Nevertheless, we always have a choice; there is always an unnecessary event in our life that we can sacrifice to enjoy life. In our busy, busy world, however, I sometimes

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