Are People with Disabilities Mistreated?

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Jordan Johnson Around the world, there are many different groups that can be considered a minority. A minority, in this case, is a relatively small group of people commonly discriminated against in a community, society or nation. People with disabilities are probably one of the biggest, if not the largest, minority in the United States. People with disabilities are often mistreated. They should have the same rights as everyone else in the community. In more ways than most people think, people with disabilities can be productive in society. An analysis of all the people with disabilities reveals that they are discriminated against ultimately because of the way they look; considered the biggest minority because they have the highest rate of unemployment, poverty, and lowest education of any minority. People with disabilities is by far the largest minority group in the United States and anybody can become a member at any time. An estimate of twenty percent of the U.S. population has a disability of some kind. Many types of disabilities exist such as physical, cognitive, sensory, and psychiatric. Physical disabilities may require a person to use a wheelchair, cane, or prosthetic limb. People with these types of disabilities may have trouble getting around or using self-care. Cognitive can vary from all types and can also be different to see. Learning disabilities are also in this category. People with a learning disability has usually average or above average intelligence, but have problems communicating and remembering information. Learning disabilities vary, but usually affects a person’s ability to function in school. Sensory disabilities affects the senses including sight and hearing. Sensory and physical disabilities are usually easy for people to notice. Psychiatric disabilities are known as “invisible” because you cannot tell a person has it
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