Are Organizations Likely to Find Better Solutions to Information Overload Through Changes to Their Technical Systems or Their Social Systems, and Explain Why I Feel This Way

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INTRODUCTION For this Case paper I am to read the required readings and then write a 5 to 7 page paper on the statement of “Are organizations likely to find better solutions to information overload through changes to their technical systems or their social systems, and explain why I feel this way.” As described in the background required readings and illustrated by the charts in Social Media Is Challenging Notions of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom. Data is defined as unprocessed information, while information is data that has had a chance to be processed, and finally knowledge and wisdom is something that can be reflected upon. Green, P. (2010)” So to me if you have a system in your organization to harness and manage information there should be no overload. You receive in data, you process data, you become a learning organization. “The concepts that shape the thinking of strategic leaders become the intellectual currency of the coming era; the soldiers and civilians who develop those ideas become trusted assets themselves.” (Army Leadership, FM 22-100 Paragraph 7 - 104 (1999). A learning organization is said to “systematically learn from its experience of what works and what does not work. The goal of learning is increased innovation, effectiveness, and performance.” You spread knowledge. So my position is that I feel with a known social system such as knowledge management and how you obtain data, from which resources. You can import and export knowledge on a continuous basis. ANALYSIS Information Overflow is loosely defined as “difficulty a person can have understanding an issue and making decisions that can be caused by the presence of too much information”. Causes of this can be a rapidly increasing rate of new information being produced, the ease of duplication and transmission of data across the Internet, an increase in the

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