Are Mobile Phones a Way of Controlling Population Growth?

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Are Mobile Phones a way of controlling population growth? A Mobile Phone is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link1 whilst moving around areas. It does so by connecting a cellular network which is provided by a mobile operator. Recent Mobile Phones now support a variety of services (other from the normal text messaging, photography etc.) such as Email access, Internet access, Business applications and Gaming. These Mobile Phones are known as Smartphones. Controlling Population Growth is when a factor affects the population growth negatively or positively. In this scenario, the factor is mobile phones and the outcome is whether it affects the population growth. Mobile Phones and Radiation Radiation is energy travelling through space in the form of particles or waves. It occurs naturally and has always been around. We have evolved with it is a part of our everyday life- form the earth, the space and from within our own bodies. Some experts propose that some radiation is good in our lives and it is used in medical sciences to diagnose some illnesses. (E.g. X-rays) The type of radiation emitted from mobile phones is electromagnetic radiation. It’s present in mobile phones because they use Radio Frequency (RF) waves to make and receive calls. The doses are considered to be very small as the emissions released are low power- shorter range. The World Health organization has classified Mobile Phone Radiation on the IARC2 scale into Group 2B which means it is possibly Carcinogenic3. There are many research groups which are investigating whether or not mobile phones actually cause cancer. There are 2 types or radiation: Ionizing radiation is high frequency radiation that has enough energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to damage the DNA in cells, which may lead to cancer. Gamma

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