Are Gender Roles Predetermined?

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“Are the gender roles predetermined?” Before the debate, I voted for, thus I agreed that gender roles are predetermined. Throughout the debate, listening to the both side’s debaters, my position on agreement strengthened even more. Let’s look through the life formation. After the birth of a child and after knowing the gender of that child, in the process of bringing him/her up, families teach them: if it is a boy, to be strong, fast, simply to be a man; if it is a girl, to be gentle, careful, modest. Further, when time comes, boys are given toy cars or toy robots to play and the girls are given Barbie’s and everything related to it to play with. Then, beginning from nursery school they are presented with the jobs they are expected to do in future, for example: boys are given examples of firefighters, police officers, doctors etc., girls are given examples of nurses, teachers, secretaries etc.; and after they decide it, they start to pursue their goals by studying in schools and continuing in higher education institutes. It seems like the society shapes the gender roles throughout the whole lifetime of a person isn’t it? But it is not, let’s look why. The reasons are obvious and biologically explainable. From the very beginning, when fertilization takes place in ovaries, genes that come from both mother and father affect everything in further formation of a child’s body; everything including sex, hormones, brain, muscles etc. It is purely because of genes that we are men or women, that men have more muscles than woman, that hormones are different which at the same time give unique abilities for men and women, that the brain structures are different which is the pure reason that women are stronger in linguistics and men are stronger in science. It is because of genes that only women can give a birth to children and only men are empowered with sperm. Of

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