Apple vs Banana

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Fruit is a type of food that is filled with nourishment. We make sure that we get proper nutrition and proper diet from eating foods. There are many benefits you might get from eating bananas and apples; these are color, shape and health benefits. Bananas have a color of yellow when ripe and green when unripe. The taste of a banana when ripe is sweet, but if you taste a banana that is unripe it’s a bit hard and bitter. On the other hand, the taste of an apple when ripe is sweet, and the taste of an apple when unripe is sometimes tasteless and sour. Another difference between the two fruits is their shapes. Bananas have a long and thin body shape, like a crescent moon. However, apples have a big and round body shape, like a heart but it’s fatter. Comparing both kinds of fruits, there is a health factor that we should consider. Bananas are consisting of many nutrients, such as Potassium- which is very dominant in bananas. However, apple is a good source of vitamin C. With its wholesome differences, apple is a lot better to eat than banana. Since the color is more attractive than that of banana, consumers will buy more apples than bananas. Of course, the shape of the apple is a lot bigger and thicker than banana so the consumers might think that it’s better to buy apples because it can make your stomach full. Many vitamins and minerals can be found in apple that can satisfy your needs in nutrients. The health benefit is an important factor to be inspected because it will give you your necessities in

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