Apple vs Android

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Apple vs. Android Jason Mckinney-Halfday Westwood College Julie Gordan ENGL 221 12/5/12 Smartphone devices have become a valuable tool in a world of changing technology. A smartphone is a handheld computer that can also be used as a cellphone. It is a device designed to access internet services, e-mail, the web, and many other applications. Smartphones operate on different software. There are many different operating systems to pick from, but for now let’s compare Apple’s OS vs. Androids OS. Which operating system is the most efficient? Which offers the most for consumer’s money? Which one is overall most consumer friendly? Although the answers to these questions can vary greatly from person to person, my goal is to outline the pros and cons of both systems so that consumers can make a more knowledgeable decision. In my professional opinion Android system is the most obviously more efficient and a better choice for consumers. Android is an open system, a software/operating systems whose software is open for improvement by the user. An open system can be the best option for many users. Android is an open development system. Anyone can write on Android application who understands Linux programming. Although this is an open system for users, the application won’t necessarily work; this leads to many applications that will not work. Android offers mostly all the same applications as Apple. Android does not require a password in order to download applications, which is convenient for the user. Apple is a closed operating system and a walled garden. A closed system refers to a software/operating system whose source code is kept secret. This prevents people from writing applications that will crash the phone and does not make available applications that will not work. Apple requires the user to enter their Apple password in order to download any application

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