Appearance Vs Reality

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| Appearance vs Reality | Subject: Intoduction to Philosophy | | | | | Theory of Ideas Nowadays, Plato is rightfully considered the originator of idealism. To explain in details what the concept of idealism means represents a great difficulty and demands great effort, so I will merely define idealism as a philosophy which reduces all existence to forms of thought, or in Plato’s case, idea. The word “idea” originates from the Greek word “eidos” which literally means “appearance, image”. In Plato’s thought, “idea” represents the first principle, cause, form, shape, essence. The very title “Theory of Ideas” points to observation, contemplation of the first causes of all things. Contemplation represents a mental/spiritual condition which consists of deep reflection, not related to any action, through which a man forgets about himself and his surroundings (Svetislav Maric, Dictionary of Philosophy). The theory of Ideas literally means a deep reflection related with the first cause of things. In the following passage, I will try to explain Plato’s theory of Ideas the way my mind has conceived it, emphasizing my limitedness due to my youth and lack of experience and knowledge. WHAT DID PLATO WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH HIS DIALOGUES? According to Plato, Ideas, i.e. generalia, represent the only truth. What is true actually exists. What is true isn’t subject to decay. Generalia actually exist. Generalia are reality, actuality. Reality and actuality doesn’t decay. Reality exists because there are generalia; generalia constitute reality. On the other hand, a question arises: what is that which is true and not subject to decay in the being of a human. It is certainly not the body. It is the soul. The soul, as the thinking part of human’s being. The soul as that which is thinking. But we arrive to a contradiction:

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