Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness

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What is added to your understanding and appreciation of Apocalypse Now, Avatar and Homeland if you approach them as film reinterpretations of the themes and issues explored in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? Apocalypse Now is, according to the filmmaker and to the wider public, a film adaptation of the novella Heart of Darkness Conrad, (1899). There is no clear evidence however, that Avatar or Homeland are influenced by the book. Bogue (1981) argues that Apocalypse Now is a “loose paraphrase” of the original work, suggesting that although major sections parallel the original, parts are ignored and the adaptor’s own remarks are added. He calls the film a “formal imitation”. It is under the definition below that this essay will discuss the relationship between the four works: “An imitation is a palimpsest: a manifest text constantly duplicating, displacing, correcting, and contradicting a latent text. The imitator wants to respond to his model, not to ape it; his must be an independent text that comments on another text while insisting on its own autonomy. The critic of a formal imitation must regard all convergences and divergences between the imitation and its model as significant statements about their relationship to one another. Even direct citations from the model must be treated as potentially meaningful modifications of the original, for the same line or the same incident in the new context of the imitation can function in a new way.” Bogue (1981) pp. 612 Bazin (1948) in Corrigan (1999) also supports the reading of the three film texts in this way, when he writes that the “very principle of cinematic adaptation ... is to simplify and condense a work from which it basically wishes to retain only the main characters and situations.” Each of the imitative texts reflects common elements found in Heart of Darkness. There is a “Kurtz” character: a fallen
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