Anti Bullying Policies and Procedures

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Anti-bullying policy: Complete an anti-bullying form with the student. Give the Director of Learning a copy and work together for a plan of action. Record all details with parents in writing. Reason: Raise awareness of bullying, reduce bullying, maintain the reduction, develop ways of dealing with bullying and encourage the reporting of bullying. Child protection policy: Being alert to signs of abuse and to understand my responsibility to report any signs of abuse to the designated safeguarding officer. Reason: To establish and maintain an environment that is safe and secure for all of the young people. Equal opportunities policy: My role is to deal with any prejudice-related incidents that may occur, to support all pupils in the classroom including those with disabilities and those whom English is an additional language and to keep up to date with equalities legislation relevant to my work. I must also report any incidents in which I believe do not follow equal opportunities legislation. Reason: To see that all students are of equal value, to respect differences, to share a sense of cohesion, to ensure staff retention and development, to remove inequalities that may already exist, to consult others widely and to benefit society as a whole. In summary the policy is in place to ensure that all people are treated as equals despite any differences. Race equality policy: I should know the reporting system and use them. This means reporting incidents on a concern form and passing onto a senior teacher within a specific time period. They must all be kept confidential. Reason: This policy is in place to ensure that everyone is treated according to their needs and rights regardless of their race. School Uniform Policy: All staff to be aware of the dress code and make sure it is implemented around school. Reason: The policy is in place to
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