Anthem for Doomed Youth

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Useful phrases and concepts regarding “Cry, our beloved country” Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis: 1 No matter how tough their journeys or fate were, Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis eventually patched up their painful losses from the same tragedy wounds of loosing both their sons, by offering each other the most purest bond, affection and respect. 2 Their fate inspired them to do great things, becoming better people making the right decisions. 3 Their most heaviest grievances, connected them together in new heightened joy, not discovered in their lives in any other time. 4 They both gained a better understanding of life, “that it’s not always easy to forgive when someone has hurt you, but anger and resentment should not be carried, for they would make you bitter and can cause damage to your physical and emotional health, and at worst, will kill your spirit”. 5 They have showed that, “it is alright to make mistakes, in fact, it is how we learn and grow”. You might even make the same mistakes a few times before you’re able to recognize and choose another way that leads to the right way”. 6 They have showed us that, “we don’t have to suffer because of trying to be “always perfect” (none of us are), otherwise it would be hard for us to see our faults and we would hurt people in the process (trying to be perfect)”. 7 They have developed and improved their lives to be, “able to have respect not only for themselves but also for others. In their strive to understand people’s own ideas and own minds; they have learned to strengthen their own lives to become leaders and not followers; they have learned to stay clear of negative people; they have learned to avoid gossipers because of its ugliness and emptiness; they have learned that if they get caught up with any gossip, “just recognize it and run away from it, because it is draining and toxic to their souls”.
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