Anne Frank Biography

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Annelies Marie Frank, better known as Anne Frank, was a young girl who had witnessed the cruel and tragic things in World War II. Her and her family were Jewish. Hitler, mostly blamed for WWII, did not particularly like Jews; in fact, he loathed them. Hitler is responsible for killing over 6 million Jews during WWII. Anne Frank included. Anne Frank hid in a secret annex hidden in the family business in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The classified annex was concealed behind a bookcase. Anne was accompanied by her parents, her sister, Margot, the Van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer. They were in hiding for over two years. They were discovered in August of 1944. During the time being, Anne Frank had written in the diary nearly everyday. When the Franks' were captured, they were sent to Westerbork for a short period of time. They were then sent to Auschwitz, where the first separation of the family occurred. In October of 1944, Anne and Margot were transferred from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen near Bergen, Germany. The concentration camp was nothing like Auschwitz, where there were gas chambers. People in Bergen-Belsen were commonly killed by getting shot, starving to death, being hung, or died from an untreated disease. Anne and Margot Frank were named deceased in March of 1945, just weeks before the concentration camp was freed. They died from a typhus epidemic, which broke out in March 1945. Anne and her sister's corpses were dumped into a mass grave which they were later buried together. Anne's mother was killed the January of that year; and her father survived. Anne Frank is likely the most famous Jew that was killed during World War II. Her diary was later published by her father after reading the journal. Anne's story touches many people's hearts because of the unfortunate and devastating events stated in her diary. Adolf Hitler had no right killing so many people.
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