Animal Nutrition Essay

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Animal Nutrition: 1. Saliva is secreted to moisten food, protect the mouth from abrasions. 2. Carbohydrate digestion begins with the enzyme amylase and is sometimes referred to as ptyalin. 3. The pharynx is commonly called the throat. 4. Choking is prevented by a flap in the pharynx called the epiglottis. 5. The esophagus connects the pharynx and the stomach. 6. Peristalsis or wave like contractions of the smooth muscles pushes food down toward the stomach. 7. The stomach is a J shaped expandable organ located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. 8. It has a pH of around 2. 9. The zymogen in the stomach is called Pepsinogen 10. It is activated by a chemical called hydrochloric acid. 11. The hormone Gastrin is secreted by the stomach cells to regulate the production of gastric juices. 12. Most hydrolysis of macromolecules occur in the Small Intestine. 13. It is divided into 3 sections duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. 14. The accessory digestive organs are the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. 15. As the acid chime enters the duodenum a hormone called secretin is released from the intestinal walls to signal the pancreas to release a bicarbonate solution which neutralizes the acid. 16. The hormone Cholecystokinin is released from the intestinal cells causing the gall bladder to release bile. 17. The hormone enterogastrone secreted to slow down peristalsis. 13. Bile is a chemical that emulsifies fat. 14. The lining of the small intestine has a surface area of 600m2, about the size of a baseball diamond. 15. Large folds are decorated with finger like projections called villi , and each of the epithelial cells has many microscopic appendages called microvilli. 16. The nutrients, except fat, are absorbed into the capillaries, while the fat enters the lacteal. 17. All the contents of the blood enter the liver via the Hepatic portal vein. The
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