Animal Farm Essay

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Chapter One 1. How is Mr. Jones Portrayed in the first chapter? 2. Why do the animals assemble in the barn? 3. The animals that gather to hear Major’s speech each mirror a single human trait. What trait is revealed in Clover? Boxer? Benjamin? The cat? The dogs? What is significant about the pigs and the raven? 4. Why is man the enemy of the animals? 5. What is the political statement that emerges from Major’s dream? 6. What is Major’s warning to the animals? 7. What are the evil human habits against which Major particularly warns the animals? 8. How does Major describe the equality of animals? 9. Describe the kind of world of which Major dreams? 10. Why does Orwell describe “Beasts of England” as a “stirring tune, something between ‘Clementine and La Cucaracha’”? 11. Which animals learn the song quickly? 12. How do the animals respond to the song? Vocabulary – scullery, mincing, tyranny, dissentients, enmity Chapter Two 1. What happens to Major? What is the effect of his speech? 2. How does this mental outlook determine the intelligent animal’s action? 3. How do the other animals respond to the new philosophy? 4. The pigs are recognized as the cleverest of the animals. The three most important pigs are also given distinguishing human traits. What traits are given to Snowball? To Napoleon? To Squealer? 5. What is the pigs’ major contribution to the Rebellion at this point? 6. What is the effect of Moses, the tame raven, and his tale of Sugarcandy Mountain? 7. How does the Rebellion come about? 8. What are the first things the animals do to celebrate their victory? 9. Why does Boxer discard his straw hat? 10. In the morning, the pigs reveal that they have learned to read and write. How is this announcement typical of their behavior? 11. How are the cows milked the first morning? Where does the milk go?
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