Anglo-Saxons Heroic Poetry

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Heroic poetryis anarrative verse that is elevated in mood and uses a dignified, dramatic, and formal style to describe thedeeds of aristocratic warriors and rulers. It is usually composed without the aid of writing and is chanted or recited to the accompaniment of astringed instrument. It is transmittedorallyfrom bard to bard over generations.More often than not, literature is a product of the society. For the same reason, it is supposed to and it really does mirror the contemporary conventions and ideals of a society as well as the temperament of a particular community. So, Anglo Saxon literature frequently took up the theme of fights andhostilities, in which the nobility of a character was brought out through a display of courage, valour, loyalty to the lord and the community and a thirst for glory. Glory was the most coveted thing because death lurked everywhere. Attainment of glory meant a claim to immortality. The heroic poetries of the Anglo Saxon period reflected such ideals.The most remarkable heroic poetries of this period areBeowulf,The Battle of Brunanburh,The Fight at Finnsburh,WaldhereandThe Battle of Maldon.Beowulf is a heroic poem of 3182 lines found in a manuscript of the 10thcentury.It narrates two significant events in the life of a Geatish hero called Beowulf. The first happens when young Beowulf fights and kills Grendel, monster who has been raiding Heorot, the banquet hall of the Danish king Hrothgar. When Grendel’s mother kills one of Hrothgar’s noblemen to avenge her son’s death, Beowulf journey’s to her sub-aquatic den and killsher with a magic sward. Beowulf is showered with honour and rewards before he returns to his homeland.The second incident takes place when Beowulf has reigned for many years showing an instance of ideal kingship. Heis old and yet he has to fight a fire-spitting dragon that jeopardises his kingdom. Beowulf dies but only

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