Anglo-Saxon Period Essay

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Through the tradition and culture, a society, a country, an age can represent its own identity. The Anglo-Saxon period contains its own tradition and culture. People: The Anglo-Saxon people were ferocious, deep-sea fisherman whose prowess was war. Their language was formed as a mixture of many tribes, today it is known as Anglo-Saxon or Old English. The Anglo-Saxons brought to Britain their own pagan beliefs. They believed that every human life was in the hands of fate or destiny. The earliest of these people worshipped Germanic gods. Ruling system: The Anglo-Saxon social structure consisted of tribal units led by king. King should display the heroic ideal and be known for an extraordinary and courageous feat or success in war. The king must be a generous “ring-giver” too. King’s power: * King couldn’t make new laws except in exceptional circumstance. * King’s role was to uphold and clarify previous custom. * The 1st act of a conquering king was to assure that he would uphold their ancient privileges, laws and customs. War: Fighting was a way of life and not to avenge the death of a family member was a social disgrace. So, endlessly intricate blood-feuds generated perpetual excuses for going to war. The two alternatives for ending a blood-feud were- 1. Paying “wergild”-the man price 2. Arranging a marriage Religion: Most of the people were pagan and Christian. The Anglo-Saxon gods lend their names to days of the week- * Tuesday from Tiw,the dark god * Wednesday from Woden, the war god * Thursday from Thor,the thunder god Literature: Anglo-Saxon literature did not begin with books, but with spoken verse and songs or poems such as epic poems. The purpose of these forms of literature was to pass along tribal history and values to a population who could not read or write. Warriors would gather in mead halls were scops and
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