Analyzing Jamaica Kincaid’s Novel Lucy and the First-Person Narrator and Protagonist Lucy with a Special Focus on the Wordsworthian and Miltonic Intertext.

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Analyzing Jamaica Kincaid’s novel Lucy and the first-person narrator and protagonist Lucy with a special focus on the Wordsworthian and Miltonic intertext. Literature – one of the last strongholds of deep cultural wealth. The American and European literature became literature of an ethnic variety. In recent years in Europe and in America literary awards are got by immigrants or their children who haven't changed names in English and remained true to their ethnic roots. The issues of the immigrant literature, covering also universal values, have its own features. It is an alienation of the personality, impossibility to refuse the roots. Mostly, they have a form of a biography, recently – the form of a family saga. Always it is the psychological analysis, reflections, personal problems and an everyday life of a common people. They pass on the life experience, the cultural layers. Here everything is serious, emotionally; it doesn’t consist of any post-modernist irony. Literature remains storage of our experience of communication with the world, the battery which accumulates it, and then, at some points, this energy switches on and feeds our minds, programming certain activities. Jamaica Kincaid (born Elaine Potter Richardson) - one of the modern Caribbean writers most known and popular around the world. Her own story of a girl from a poor family from the Antigua island, who in the age of seventeen came to the U.S. as servant, and almost by magic has become a well- known author – seems to be the typical story about an American success, which she has translated into an art form in her novel "Lucy" (1990). The recipe of her glory is quite simple - it's a post-, anti-, neo-colonial perspective, focused always on sharp accusations against British colonial policy on the Caribbean Islands, combined with risky exotic images of an islands culture and quite

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