Art For Heart's Sake Analysis

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The text under consideration is entitled “Art for heart’s sake”, written by Reuben Goldberg - a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, sculptor, and author. In his works, the author brings into sharp focus the human needs and treasured basic human values. The story in question is also devoted to the issues mentioned above. In order to grip the reader’s attention, the writer created an entertaining plot. It is centered around an old man called Collis P. Ellsworth who had troubles with his health when his enterprise bankrupted. The doctor suggested him to take up painting in order to forget about his troubles. Caswel, the doctor invited at Ellsworth’s place Frank Swain, a student of Art University. The young man taught old Ellsworth painting so that very soon the man became very much interested in the thing and didn’t talk about any kind of purchases. After some time, the old man created a god-awful smudge called “Trees dressed in white”, which he sent to the Lathrop gallery and, to the utter astonishment of everybody, was…show more content…
Speaking about the structure of the title, I can say that it is expressed in a syntagm consisting of elements from natural anatomic reality (heart) and from the spiritual one (art). Its function is denominative, as I have already mentioned it represents the name of the text and introduces the topic of the contents of the text, as it indeed deals with terms closely related to art, such as art galleries, museums, exhibits, paintings, etc. At the same time it is figurative and ambiguous, as it brings implicit and polysemantic associations, as the word “heart”, considered earlier. The story was entitled “Art for Heart’s Sake” as an allusion to a slogan from a French doctrine which expresses the philosophy that the essential value of art and the only true art is divorced from any utilitarian, financial

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