Impact Of Globalisation In Mauritius

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Globalisation is the buzzword of our contemporary society. The term does not have a fixed definition, but as a whole, it can be explained as an ongoing process by which the regional cultures, societies, and economies have become integrated through a globe-spanning exchange network. Globalisation is a highly controversial issue as it can be very benefit to a country and can cause subsequent damage to another one - the outcome often depends on either the geographical location or the economic/political stability of the country. Countries lying in the Sub-Saharan region are the most affected by the adverse economic effects of globalisation. However, albeit Mauritius is situated in this region, its economy has not suffered mainly due…show more content…
By the media being made more accessible through recent progress of the technology, such as the internet, the image of Mauritius as a tourist destination was highly promoted. This has leaded the country to become one of the dream destinations for tourists. In order to cope with the gastronomic habits of the tourists and to walk parallel with globalisation, non-local aliments have been introduced in the Mauritian market and global enterprises such as, McDonald, Pizza hut, and KFC have been established and can be found all over the island. The standard of living of the Mauritian people is also one level up as; the old infrastructures of the country have been renovated so as to obey the characteristics of a quality destination for people who come from more developed…show more content…
They highlight the various problems that globalisation entails such as the erosion of culture, the population exodus, the exploitation of children and women, the occurrence of sweatshops, the propagation of diseases, and pollution. Easy travelling makes the risk of disease spreading greater. A case in point is the pandemic of H1N1 that has spread all over the world, and that have even provoked the death of some local people. Globalisation was considered to be the catalyst in the propagation of this virus. Nowadays, many people tend to migrate to other countries and this phenomenon is also one of the effects of globalisation. During the recent years, as the access to more developed countries has become easier, Mauritius has known a massive brain drain - all the elite of its population have gone away in quest for greener
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