Analyse Case Study-Mini Case

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What are the ethical issues here? First Issue The ethical issue in the case is junior colleague do not seen the sales invoice and the stock was being written off without proper accounted. This reflects the weak internal control of the company. If the invoice is not issue, this may understated the revenue and thus understate profit. In our opinion, the company is possibly with intension to understate the revenue and avoid the tax. Second Issue The second issue is regarding the machinery that being sold by the company but the transactions did not record. In our opinion, the company is trying to conceal the sale proceed of fixed assets and thus it will overstate the assets of the company in financial statements. Supplier can creditor of the company may mislead by the financial statements and do not make a wise decision. Furthermore, in tax perspective, the company can continue to claim capital allowance as the company still possessed the ownership of the assets. This will understate the tax liability of the company. Besides, the money received from sale proceed of machinery not recorded in the book and may be misappropriate by someone. Which principles of the code of ethics are relevant? The principles of the code of ethics are relevant to this case are integrity, objectivity, and professional competence and due care. A professional accountant is required to comply with the above stated fundamental principles to act as professionalism. Moreover, MIA By-Laws also indoctrinate the professional practice and the prevention of illegal and dishonourable practices. In accepting professional assignment, a professional accountant should be integrity that is straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships. The accountant known the fact that the company recently sold a large piece of machinery for cash, and that these
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