Analisis on Love Between Hero and Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing

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To what extent one might safely assume Hero and Claudio love each other deeply? Much ado about nothing is one of Shakespeare’s famousness romantic comedies that link both drama and love, together in an exaggerated context. As other Shakespeare’s novels it narrates the real life of the 16thcentury society. At that time on history love was defined as an eternal relationship among two lovers, and it comes after marriage. Divorces were unknown; it was meant lo live forever with the one person you love. “Love at first sight”, was commonly the tradition for an engagement. In reality this might not be called a happy love story, as modern society has now new rules. Even though it’s true, people perceive love different as time pass, even in Shakespeare times, the difference was felt. Then there would be a close relationship between, this “rules of marriage” and comedy, in the play. Shakespeare uses this to reflect the actual society and the fact that it is a comedy, he creates enemies, villains, misunderstandings, and impediments, everything that retains a couple of being together during the whole play, with the exception of the happy ending “live happily ever after”. Being this play a comedy, it develops under certain boundaries that a comedy requires. The dialogues, the events, relationships and even the love are influenced by the comedy itself. Shakespeare did not plan on doing a tragedy novel, as others he have done, but to do humour. Love is then presented more informal, and assumptions need to be made, regarding some acts and dialogues that the authors do not develop in a more profound way. Sometimes, due to this fact, real love in the novel is questioned, as it not portraits all elements that the audience need for believing its true. The love of Hero and Claudio was said to be true love since the moment they saw each other. As the play showed they were
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