An Investigation of How Intranets Support User Tasks

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Research Proposal An Investigation of How Intranets Support User Tasks November 29, 2004 1. Introduction Many different types of organizations are implementing Internet technology internally through organizational interfaces, or Intranets, which organize and store information and knowledge which is vital to an organization’s success. An Intranet is a website or interface that is used by employees of an organization for a variety of different purposes. Organizations have a vast amount of knowledge and information that is being created, stored, and assimilated through Intranets. It is becoming extremely important for people in organizations to be able to access this information in a quick and convenient manner. Intranets differ from Internets because they are private and only provide access to information to those inside the organization. Intranets have the ability to facilitate communication, production, and the flow of information if they are implemented in a way that is beneficial to users. Therefore, Intranets must be designed to help people in the organization perform their daily tasks and access important information. 1.1 Current Problem The problem is in determining what content should be provided in an Intranet and how it should be organized so that people within the organization can easily find, use, and understand the information that is available. An Intranet can only be truly successful if it succeeds in supporting users perform their daily tasks more quickly and efficiently. The users must see the benefits of an Intranet if they are going to implement its use into their daily work routine. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine how Intranets support the tasks of employees who use them in organizations. There are many potential implications of this research that will contribute to a deeper understanding of

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