An Investigation Into the Factor Affecting the Learning Strategies and Learning Style on English Proficiency

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AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTOR AFFECTING THE LEARNING STRATEGIES AND LEARNING STYLE ON ENGLISH PROFICIENCY Introduction The learning strategies have attracted growing interest in language learning especially for second or foreign language learning. When it comes to language proficiency, in this case regard with English proficiency, we cannot but think of individual differences, learning styles, learning strategies as major variables which affect the ultimate level of English proficiency. However, the deployment of the strategy use implies the optimal goal of self-regulated learning in education for learning outcomes (Liu, 2008). This investigation insists that Individual learner differences such as beliefs, affective states, and previous learning experiences together with various situational factors, like the nature of instruction or the target language determine the learners’ choice of learning strategies. These then influence two aspects of learning, the rate of language acquisition and the ultimate level of English proficiency as a foreign language. Further, there are variables which influence language learning strategies on language proficiency by the starting point of learning English. This essay is a step in this direction. It addresses the problem through a comprehensive investigation of the variables that can best predict the learning strategy and style use by individuals in this group of EFL learners. There are some main discussions that cover the nature of learning strategies, learning style, variables affecting strategies use on language learning, the important of language learning strategies and learning style on english proficiency. These will be addressed in some detail in the following section. A. Learning strategies Oxford (1990) defines learning strategies as: specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques that students (often

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