An Evening in Guanima

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“Honor your mother and father that thy days may be long”. This is a command of God from the Bible. It is important for younger people to respect anyone older than them he or she because the older generation teaches that “manners and respect takes you around the world”. Which simply means if you practice being respectful and honest to people they will do anything for you and you will be able to accomplish much. In the book An Evening in Guanima much lessons are spelt out such as through the stories: Miss Annie, and The Just Reward. In the short story Miss Annie a pair of sisters that were total opposites. Camille was the respectful and obedient one, while Paula the youngest had an attitude which neighbors described as “manners of a cockroach”. One day while walking on the same road, but at different intervals they came across an elderly lady. This particular old woman sat on the sidewalk with her lice infested hair, and her face had huge and gruesome sores that flies stuck to like glue. Camille quickly went over to the woman, giving her some of her water and a slice of her bread from her weaved basket. She then took out her comb and braided the old woman’s hair. After she was done the old woman told Camille to go into her old kitchen and there would be six (6) talking stones lying on the floor. “Don’ touch dem what say ‘tek me, tek me’, but carry de t’ree what say ‘don ‘tek me’.’ The woman also told her that for every twelve steps she took, to throw the rock down and good things would happen. And she ended up with fine clothing, a pot of gold, and a new house for her and her family to love in. On the other hand when her younger sister Paula passed the old lady, and refused to be a good person and share her bread and water with her. In spite of how poorly the woman was treated, Paula was given the same instructions as her older sibling. But instead of taking
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