An Analysis of Gothic Features in Wuthering Height

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An Analysis of Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights 姓名:王荣 班级:09级英语二班 学号:13090213 Introduction Wuthering Heights, a novel written by Emily Brontë in 1847, has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature. It is a novel about love and revenge. Orphan Heathcilff is an adopted boy by Mr. Earnshaw, who lives in Wuthering Heights. Mr. Earnshaw has two children, one is the daughter Catharine, and another is the son Hindley. Hindley looks down upon Heathcilff and even tortures him. Heathcilff and Catharine fall in love with each other, but Hindley totally rejects this kind of relationship. Meanwhile, Linton, the son of Thrushcross Grange, who is very rich and well-educated, paid court to Cathy. Finally Cathy decided to get married with Linton .Heathcliff was very angry and went out .years later, he came back with a lot of money and begun his revenge. After a series of revenge, he finally got what he wants, but he was in extreme depression because of the death of Catharine. Heathcliff died in despair. In the novel, the author has described the environment and the character in Gothic Features. This becomes one of the writing features in the novel. I will introduce what are gothic features, why the author uses it and how the author uses it. 1. What are Gothic Features 1.1 The origin of Gothic Fiction As Longman dictionary says: Gothic fiction, sometimes referred to as Gothic horror, is a genre or mode of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. The father of the Gothicism is the English author Horace Walpole, with his 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto, which are full of terror, subtitled "A Gothic Story" The word “Gothic” came from the name of a Germanic tribe—Goth which was famous for their barbaric and
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