American Expansionism and Imperialism

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American Expansionism and Imperialism Sparks of a daunting imperialistic period were galvanized in 1897 when Theodore Roosevelt wrote in a letter, " In strict confidence… I should welcome almost any way, for I think this country needs one." In 1890, the year of massacre at Wounded Knee, the Bureau of Census declared the internal frontier closed. The profit system already started looking overseas for expansion. The severe depression beginning in 1893 stimulated the idea of overseas markets for the surplus of American goods. Expansion overseas was not a completely innovative idea seeing as the Monroe Doctrine considered Latin America in the United States' area of influence. A State Department list, the "Instances of the Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad 1798-1945," recorded a quantity of 103 interventions of affairs of other countries between the years of 1798 and 1895. This showed that the use had lots of experience in overseas investigation and interventions. Alfred T. Mahan, the Captain of the U.S. Navy, regarded as a popular propagandist for expansion, greatly influenced Theodore Roosevelt and other Americans. Mahan thought that the country with the most powerful navy would control the earth. He believed we should build a canal, and to protect the canal by controlling Hawaii and Cuba, which he thought was a necessity. During this time, thoughts of Anglo-Saxon superiority were a common "excuse" for imperialism. The political scientist and professor of Columbia University, John Burgess said the Anglo-Saxon races were "particularly endowed with the capacity for establishing national state, they are entrusted with the mission of conducting the political civilization of the modern world." Even before McKinley's presidency, he showed interest in foreign markets for the surplus of American products. This later on became an important when McKinley
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