Amateur Gentlemen Artists and Accomplished Women in Late 18th Century and Early 19th Century Britain. Paul Sandby, Sir George Bulteel Fisher and Amelia Long.

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Amateur Gentlemen Artists and Accomplished Women in late 18th century and Early 19th century Britain.
Paul Sandby, Sir George Bulteel Fisher and Amelia Long.

This essay discusses works by Paul Sandby, Sir George Bulteel Fisher and Amelia Long (Lady Farnborough) in an exploration of the theme of gentleman amateurs and accomplished women in Britain in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Issues addressed include: the change in the meaning of the term amateur and the relationship between amateur and professional artists including patronage, collecting and art connoisseurship; the social significance of skills in drawing and painting and their practice for young men and women of the period and the importance of drawing masters; the differing practices of pen or pencil drawing and the use of watercolour or oil for painting..The essay will trace the evolution of landscape drawing and painting from being a pursuit of gentlemen for pleasure and practical purposes, to a pastime for leisured ladies, one consequence of which was that amateur art became associated with private pleasure, femininity and the development of commercial suppliers of art materials. The division between amateur and professional art continues to the present, even if women artists are receiving achieving a degree of recognition by galleries, institutions and historians. The essay draws on recent scholarship has addressed the issue of British watercolours, amateur artists and drawing masters and accomplished women art.
An analysis of three works by landscape artists working in Britain between c.1750 and with reference to the relationship between amateur and professional artists including patronage, collecting and art connoisseurship; the social significance of skills in drawing and painting and their practice for young men and women of the period and the

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