Altex Corporation Essay

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American university of ras al khaimah | Altex corporation | Case Study Analysis & Answers | | Fatima Easa Taher | 2013001209 | Case Study Analysis: Altex Corporation has awarded the R&D contract by United State Army of the Advanced Tactical Missile Program (ATMP). They should submit a formal project plan for the two year ATMP effort, which didn’t require a risk management plan during that time. A meeting was held between Altex corporation and the project manager of R&D to assess the risks in the ATMP effort. Through the conversation, the project manager wants to know if he should develop a risk management plan as a part of project plan. The sponsor suggested to not develop risk management plan because the army isn’t really concerned with the risks and Altex Corporation declared that they will be lucky if they can deliver 60-70% of the specifications defined in the contract. Altex declared that engineers are highly optimistic and that new technological breakthrough occur when this happen. The project manager think of letting the engineers be optimistic is that they become reactive rather than proactive thinkers, so they will end up with no risk management or contingency plan. When problems surface that require significantly more in the way of resources than budgeted for, so they will be forced to accept crisis management as a way of life. The sponsor suggested to not penalized by army when they met 60-70% of the specifications. The project manager also prefer to develop a risk management to do it on his own and not share it with anyone. The sponsor consider when the army knows all the risks before starting on the project, they will kill it altogether. On the other hand, they could use the risk management plan to keep project alive when the army decide to cancel the program. Questions & Answers: 1. Why was a risk

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