Alines Journey Essay

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Aline’s Journey Answer questions A and either question B or C. A. Translate the Danish text into English. ”Aline bliver hurtig moden på familiens flugt til USA. Hun bekymrer sig om sin mor, der er syg, sin far, der har været på sultestrejke og sin lillebror, der græder for meget. Selv ligger hun vågen og tænker på fremtiden og de tabte drømme. Drømmen er væk, ligesom den blå kjole også er det. Kjolen bliver et symbol på alle drømmene. Hvad skal der ske med den lille familie i fremtiden?” Aline gets mature fast on the family’s escape to USA. She concerned about her mother, who is sick, her father, who has been on hunger-strike and her little brother who cries too much. She is awake herself and thinks about the future and the lost dreams. The dream is gone, just like the blue dress is. The dress becomes a symbol of all the dreams. What will happen to the little family in the future C. Bearing Aline’s troubles in mind, write a story about the people in this boat; where do they come from – what will happen to them? This was not the adventure that I had in mind when my family and I left home. I could see the freedom, the good life and the wealth when I saw Miami for me. When I look back now, I know that our life in Jamaica okay. Maybe I didn’t have so much money so I could give my family the things they was dreaming of, but I had enough money to provide them with a small amount of food and small things they wanted. We had freedom, and my children could play with their friends whenever they liked. We knew everybody in our town, and we had each other. Taking the boat to Miami was the most terrible thing to do. I was trapped in a cell with all the other men from the boat, and my wife and two children were in a hotel where they were isolated and couldn’t get outside. We had been apart from each other in six month, and the guards wouldn’t tell me
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