Alice In Wonderland

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Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is a popular children’s book about a young girl named Alice who travels to a land full of riddles and rhymes; where nothing makes sense and everything is a contradiction. As Alice travels down the rabbit hole the reader is instantly removed from reality and transported to a fantasy world that isn’t what you would typically expect in children’s literature. This is a story that shows the struggle of a young girl growing up; in wonderland she meets a series of characters and encounters numerous situations that represent her loss of identity and innocence. The book begins with Alice sitting at the riverbank with her older sisters; she is bored with them since her sister is reading a book with no pictures “What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?, children are usually fond of books with pictures and very few words since its much more appealing and the thought of reading a book full of just words seems like such a grown up thing. Suddenly a white rabbit runs by, takes out his pocket watch from his waistcoat and proclaims that he is very late. While Alice thinks nothing of the rabbit talking she is quite interested in the rabbit’s clothes and pocket watch that she runs off after the rabbit and jumps right into the rabbit hole. The rabbit checking his pocket watch and being deeply concerned about being late is very representative of the adult world Alice is living in, since typically adults are often worried about things like time, and schedules. When Alice finds the bottle that says “Drink Me” she first checks for a poison warning on the bottle, “for she had read several nice little histories about the children who had got burnt, and eaten up by the wild beast and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules”. Alice is a young girl that is quickly growing up and is expressing how
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