Affirmative Action- Right Or Wrong?

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Affirmative Action- Right or Wrong? There are many reasons why affirmative action is on questionable ground. It has been presented to do extreme good. In all fact though, it does more bad than good in this world and it needs to be abolished. The negative effects of affirmative action can be seen in many aspects of today’s society. It occurs mainly in today’s society dealing with college admissions and work force eligibility. Affirmative action is basically a racial preference that is extremely detrimental to this country’s society. The question is, what is the point of affirmative action and is it useful in today’s society? In today’s society, affirmative action’s negative results are occurring in the work force. For instance, applicants who are white could apply for a job. They could be the most experienced and best at the job, but may not get it just because they are not of a minority race, which is not acceptable. When hiring in the work force, employers should want the applicant who is better for their company. The applicant’s race should not be of any importance. Employers shouldn’t feel the need to look at the applicant’s race or gender to decide whether to give the applicant a job or even an interview. At the end of the day, an employer should want someone who is most qualified and most experienced for the position that is open. It shouldn’t matter whether they are black or white, male or female, but sadly enough, it is still going on in today’s society. Affirmative action is also becoming more of a heated topic in regard to college admissions. When millions of high school students apply for college, the last thing they want is to feel that they missed an opportunity because of something they have no control of, their race. Colleges talk about how they want more diverse campuses, but how do colleges expect to have a diverse campus when affirmative
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