Aemilia Lanyer Essay

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Aemilia Lanyer Aemilia Lanyer was one poet that left a lasting impression on many people that came after her. She was the first English woman to become a published poet. Aemilia was and still is a well-respected woman because of her life experiences and accomplishments. Aemilia was born in 1569 to her parents, Baptista Bassano (father) and Margaret Johnson (mother). She was Christened at St. Botolph, Bishopgate. Her father was a royal musician, and his family was a court of musicians that came to England from Venice. They were said to be converted Jews. Nothing is known of her mother except the fact that she was buried in Bishopgate July 7, 1587. Lanyer had an older sister, Angela, and two brothers, Lewis and Phillip, who died before they reached adulthood. Her father died when she was seven and was also buried in Bishopgate May 11, 1576. (3) Lanyer was the mistress of Henry Carey. She became pregnant at the age of 23 and was paid off by Carey. She then later married her cousin by marriage, Alphonso Lanyer. Alphonso was a queen’s musician. He was also a member of the recorder consort originally started by the five Bassano Brothers, including Aemilia’s father, Baptista. (3) Her marriage was believed to be very unhappy. (2) Aemilia released a book of poems called Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum. This work contained over 200 stanzas. The main point of her work was telling of Christ’s passion. Her inspiration came from a visit to Cookham Dean. Lanyer stayed with Margaret and Anne Clifford. Margaret really inspired her by helping her receive a spiritual awakening. (2) I have chosen to analyze two of Aemilia Lanyer’s poems. The first of the two is The Description of Cookeham. In this poem, Lanyer tells of how much she admired Cookeham. She thought it was a place full of grace while she was there after she left. Cookeham was full of virtue. She felt that Margaret,

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