Advantages of Having a Strong Culture

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Thessia Kilindo Strong organisational culture is a two-edge sword: Discuss the impact of strong culture on organisation. Organisational culture is the shared values, belief which influence the way employees think, feel and act towards others inside and outside the organisation. A strong culture is a culture in which an organisation’s core values are shared amongst employees and intensely held by them, which guides their behaviour and attitudes. A Strong culture can have both positive and negative impact on organisation. In what follows is an attempt to discuss the impacts of strong culture on organisation.(Huczynski & Buchanan 2013) To begin with the positive impact of strong culture will be discussed, followed by the negative impacts and lastly one practical example of each case. Business with a strong culture is prone to stronger organisation commitment, great motivation of worker which will lead to increase in performance and production. (Furnharm and Gunter, 1993) Firstly it creates stability within the organisation. Since all workers is sharing the same values and belief they pull the same side in which help eliminate disagreement and any form of conflict. Secondly since risk of misunderstanding and misinterpretation amongst employees and management is reduced, communication will be easier. In addition it creates a form of consensus and agreement between employees and management since employees are behaving in ways desired by management. Finally strong culture brings about higher levels of employees involvement, motivation and performance. All of these impacts of strong culture will help increase performance and productivity of the organisation. These positive impacts of strong culture on organisation was confirmed and proved to be right by the study of Peter Watermans In search of Excellence published in 1982.A sample of high performing companies in

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