Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Vitamins

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Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Benefits of some vitamin supplements for certain health conditions. The body is protected from disease and illness by the vitamins Vitamin supplements give us a kind of immunization against illnesses. There are some vitamins that are “water soluble”, i.e., they are capable of being dissolved in the watery fluids of the human digestive system Vitamin and mineral supplements can help prevent deficiencies that can contribute to chronic conditions. Help your hair and nails grow Disadvantages : If you had an overdose then you would get ill or something won't function in your body properly . For example vitamin A , if you had an overdose of it you will get a disease called hypervitaminosis Some of the effects of overdosing of some specific vitamins are given below: Vitamin A : Ringing in the ears, blurred vision, loss of hair, nausea, menstrual irregularities, skin rash and even irritability, apathy and stupor. Vitamin B3 : Faintness, peptic ulcer, hyperglycemia, dizziness, gout etc. Vitamin B6 : Numbness in hands and feet, walking problems, sense of position and vibration and even problems with memory and depression. Vitamin D : Deafness, nausea, loss of appetite, weak bones, hypertension and high cholesterol. Vitamin E : Muscular weakness, hypertension, tenderness of the breast and slow healing of wounds. May have unwanted effects Preparing a well balanced, nutritious and healthy meal is by far less expensive than taking supplements. Don’t expect a vitamin or mineral to do anything more than it does in food They Can Reinforce Bad Eating Habits. Although supplements may provide you with the nutrition that you need, they do not reinforce good eating habits. Why? Because supplements make it easy for you to pop a pill rather than acquire the vitamins and

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