Advantages And Disadvantages Of Migration

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Migration Migration (human) is the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. Migrations have occurred throughout human history, beginning with the movements of the first human groups from their origins in East Africa to their current location in the world. Migration occurs at a variety of scales: intercontinental, intracontinental, and interregional. One of the most significant migration patterns has been rural to urban migration—the movement of people from the countryside to cities in search of opportunities. The migration of skilled individuals to other nations is referred as the brain drain or the human capital flight. This migration of talented individuals may be due to conflicts, lack of opportunity, or health hazards where they are living. It has both advantages and disadvantages . The money the emigrants have sent back home has helped in alleviating poverty in their homes. It has resulted in less child labor, greater child schooling, more hours worked in self employment and a higher rate of people starting capital intensive enterprises. The money remittances have also reduced the level and severity of poverty. Moreover, the money migrants sent back are spent more in investments such as education, health and housing, rather than on food and other goods. Migration also brings in new opportunities for people of different countries. Likewise, this also helps in efficient supply of one country’s currency and maintains its demand in the world market. This helps to bring balance in the world economy. The movement of people also helps in the international exchange of cultures, ideas, values and norms. This helps to augment the bonds and relationships of different nations. The immigration of the people will also help them to escape from
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