Adolescent Challenges Essay

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Emily Voll 12/20/11 Teen challenges Young people today face many challenges during adolescent’s years. Adolescents have to deal with a lot of stressors throughout their teenage years. They have peer pressure from their friends and the pressure to do the right thing. They have to deal with self-esteem that they can force upon themselves. They also have to obey the laws, tackle school, and stress. Peer pressure can be negative or positive, depending on the situation. Most of the time teens are affected by negative peer pressure. Peer pressure is easy to fall into. It’s easy to be manipulated and fall into a situation the person knows is damaging. When adolescents say yes to peer pressure they need to understand that the consequence may affect them for the rest of their lives. This is easy to avoid, all the person needs to do is evaluate the situation, before saying yes. They also need to consider that if this person is always getting you into trouble then maybe they’re not a good friend. Although when adolescents are in the moment it’s not that easy, that’s why most teens are victims of peer pressure. If something seems off to you about the situation just say no and walk away. Dealing with friends is far easier then dealing with the law or something greater. The media has altered the way people think about themselves. The media sets out an idea of perfect. Teens are constantly comparing themselves to models and celebrities. Teenagers look in the mirror and only find the negatives. Self-acceptance is something teens constantly struggle with. Although it isn’t always looks it can be anything from sports, to school, or relationships with parents. If self-esteem is dealt with negatively it can cause negative stress. To avoid all this leading to stress, you need to not dwell on the negatives. If adolescents do mess up in a sport or with your parents don’t stress,
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