Addiction Unit 4 Grade A Essay

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“Discuss one or more explanation of addiction (8+16)” The biological explanation state that addiction is caused by the A1 variant, people with A1 variant of DRD2 gene have less dopamine receptors on the pleasure centres of the brain. Therefore, they will want to compensate and take more of the drug to release more dopamine and seek pleasure. This shows that addicts have less dopamine receptors and to increase the levels they take drugs and become addicts because of the pleasure. However, a weakness of the biological explanation is individual differences; genetic explanations shows how people get addicted and not others in the same environment this is down to the pre disposition of the gene which makes them vulnerable this shows why some people resist to the treatment. Showing that addiction varies on people because it depends on how vulnerable they are to addiction and biological approaches are dependent on the gene. Another weakness is inconsistent research findings, Noble et al did a Meta analysis and found out that a gene in the A1 variant influences alcohol and addiction and however he failed to find a relationship between the gene and alcoholism and addiction. This presents that biological methods on addiction have not been able to find a correlation. DRD2 have been found in other disorders, Comings et al found out the DRD2 gene is found in people with autism and tourettes stating that they have the reward gene but they do not get an influence of addiction. This explains that the biological explanation should not call the DRD2 the reward gene because people with autism have the gene too and they do not get addicted. We cannot establish a cause and effect because we don’t know whether addiction causes the A1 variant or whether addiction is the effect of the A1 variant. This states that in biological explanations we cannot draw a cause and effect in
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