Adaptive Project Management Life Cycle Model

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Adaptive Project Management Life Cycle Model: This model comprises a no of phases represented by cycles each of which is planned for and scheduled using findings from the previous cycle as a feedback. In this model, we have minimum known information about the solution and as such focused approach is favoured, making use of only the viable options from the findings based on each cycle. Due to its dealings with high level of uncertainty in meeting project goals, the model is between the Iterative and Extreme models Four Adaptive models are defined by. (Wysocki 2009 p. 404-405). i) Adaptive Software Development (ASD): Three phases are involved in ASD speculate, collaborate and learn. Speculate phase – a guess is made as to what the goal & solution might look like. It does not really matter at this stage weather the guess is right or wrong. In the Collaborate phase, the project team and client evaluates the initial phase to establish likely project solutions. Launching and (Monitor and Control) process groups are engaged. Learn – presents the lessons learnt and hence a direction for the next phase. (Wysocki 2009 p. 413). ii) Adaptive Project Framework (APF): In this model, the scope is variable but within the time and cost as constraints thereby getting the most business value in the adjustment of scope at every iteration. (Wysocki 2009 p. 414). Depending on the outcome the client may make changes to the scope of the project thereby getting great business values. iii) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): This process could be likened to the Linear PMLC model except for a few features. It is an iterative model with about nine key principles identified as good practices – Wysocki 2009 p.449) iv) Scrum: In this model according to (Wysocki p. 450) a chaotic development environment seemed to be defined with the process self directed, operations in

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