Active Listening Essay

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The Benefits of Active Listening Shirlene Cool BUS 600: Management Communications with Technology Tools Ashford University Dr. Dwight Reimer March 4, 2013 Introduction Communication is a two way process involving a speaker and a listener. Effective communication is achieved only when the receiver understands the message sent to the sender fully and clearly. Boyd (2004) stated that one of the most important people skill is effective listening. If the message is not fully understood by the listener, communication becomes stagnant. “The ability to understand and give response effectively to verbal communication is known as listening” (Rane, 2011). The act of listening is necessary for business communication to be successful. Listening is more than hear it is hearing, evaluating, and understanding. Listening is a mental activity requiring the use of ears, brain, and eyes to understand the verbal and nonverbal cues. Engaging in active listening improves productivity, avoids misunderstanding, and improves relationships in the workplace. There are barriers to active listening. Barriers can be environmental, physiological, or psychological. When barriers are reduced, active listening becomes more effective. Improving listening skills in the workplace will ensure the avoidance of misunderstandings, and will increase the overall productivity. With training and increased awareness, active listening can increase the effectiveness of business communication along all levels of business. Types of Listening Skills There are three levels of listening; passive, selective, and active. Passive listening is not listening at all. There is no conscious effort to engage in hearing, evaluating, or understanding the speaker’s message. Passive listening is being physically in the room, but the participants mind is somewhere else, (Rane, 2011). Things that may
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