Active Learning Essay

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Active Learning The purpose of this brief text is to essentially answer the following three questions: Firstly, what is active learning and what are its distinguishing characteristics when compared with other types of learning? Secondly, what is the importance and benefits associated with active learning? And lastly what are the potential challenges that active learning presents to the both the teacher and the learner alike? At the outset of this text it is important to explain clearly what in fact Active Learning is. Active learning can be described as the learner taking a purposeful and energetic role in their own learning. This is distinct to passive learning whereby a learner is simply a receiver of information. Petress K (2008) describes the learner in Active learning as a “partner in the learning process” this is an important explanation as it clearly sets out the dynamic role of the learner in their own learning. Active Learning has become a very popular term in the discipline of educating and is very much now considered best practice by many (Crawford et al, 2005). Particular emphasis is placed on active learning as part of the current primary school curriculum (Department of Education and Sciences, 1999) and therefore it is of significant importance to all teachers teaching in Ireland today. The reasons for its importance are clear to see, namely the improved learning experience associated with Active Learning (Petress, 2008). The advantages associated with Active Learning are several but the following are some of the key ones. Active learning promotes a greater retention of information. Following on from this it also promotes enhanced future learning as an Active Learner is more likely to ask questions and develop their understanding of a topic. By gaining this greater understanding of information the learner is better able to link their
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