Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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“Actions speak louder than words” Essay This common saying means that your actions communicate more clearly than your words can ever do. I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words because when a person does something, everybody who is around will judge the result of the action and will connect it to the person who did it. In my opinion it is better to prove someone that you are a really good friend, or that you love him when you show it to him or her rather than tell him or her. One good example of this is the politician who is involved in a political scandal. Regardless of whether the politician could prove his innocence, most people will connect the politician’s image to the scandal. Probably they won’t support him in the next election process. There are other politicians who promise that they will do something for the country but their actions speak louder than their words and they do not do anything. Moreover, people speak about many things and some speak a lot about things that are not true. That is the reason that society is getting used to not believing in words but in actions. Actions are more difficult to be unreliable and they leave results behind which ate the best examples of the reliability of the actions. Nowadays, as the society we live in gets more and more complicated, human interactions seem to have set off to a whole new level. Suddenly, diplomacy has taken the world by storm, thus becoming a must in every successful action of our day-to-day life. Nevertheless, since words may sometimes be misleading, it is our actions that end up betraying our true nature. In my opinion, speech can be considered to be one of the oldest, yet the most important art that mankind has created. Persuasion is not just a form of transmitting a message, but also a carefully crafted instrument we constantly try to learn how to master. Eventually, words are
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