Acquisition of English as L2 Through Input and Interaction

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Acquisition of English through input and interaction If you want your students acquire English through input and interaction, I advise you to take into account these suggestions, which are based on my own experience, and also on what I have read in some articles on the internet. It is known that before your students start speaking and writing in English, they have to learn how things are said in English. Your students do this by getting input –reading and listening to the correct English sentences of other people, ideally native speakers. Input can be gotten inside the classroom and outside the classroom, being the last one the place where your students get more. As an English teacher you are the person that must provide your students as much input as you can. Inside the classroom you have to speak English and interact with your students all the time because the acquisition of a second language takes place in a manner similar to the way they learnt L1. For example, an English native speaker acquired English being immerged to that language since he was in his mother’s womb. Therefore, the first people that provide input to the babies are their parents. The Babies do not start speaking since they are born. They listen to their parents for long time, then, they start pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, short phrases and long phrases. In the same way, acquiring English as L2 takes time. So, if you want your students produce English, first, they have to listen to you speak and speak. After that, they can interact with you, allowing teachers to know if your students are processing and understanding what they are hearing. If you realize your students do not understand something, particularly vocabulary use gestures or pictures and focus them with several situations and experiences. Consequently, exposure to English should be through different activities for teaching
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