Academic Writing and Being a Care Giver

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Kali Johnston Professor Chase ENG110 P08 December 4th, 2012 Academic Writing and Being a Care Giver When I first started working for Clara Lee as her Care Giver I was very nervous. I had known her before I began working for her because my Grandma is the head Care Giver there and had gotten me a job cleaning out Clara Lee’s flower beds. Later on my Grandma decided she needed a third girl working there being that there were too many hours that needed to be covered and she recommended me, then I was hired. I began with no experience or expertise, but high expectations from my boss, also known as my Grammy. I only had twelve hours of training before I was left alone with Clara Lee. During those twelve hours of training I was taught the daily routine and how to do the job right. But the job entitled a lot more than fulfilling the daily routine, it also required to keep Clara Lee company and to be her friend, and to also reassure her about her health. On the other hand, coming into college was not what I expected it to be, I had always thought myself to be a smart and diligent person and that college would be a breeze for me as long as I stayed on top of my homework. I had never taken a real composition class before so when I started my first English class for college it most definitely was not easy, and learning to be an academic writer is something one cannot master right away. There are rules to follow and routines to guide me when writing, just like when being a Care Giver. The first few weeks of being a Care Giver vs. being an Academic Writer I would have to say were about the same, it was hard and very stressful. The first thing we learned in academic writing was the definition of it, which is pretty much breaking down ideas to better understand something by the use of deductive reasoning, a formal voice and the use of third person. To better
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