Abortion Can Never Be Justified.

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‘Abortion can never be justified’- Do you agree? Christians have a divided opinion on abortion, dependant on their interpretation of Bible teachings. Catholics are pro-life and therefore will agree with the statement on the basis that abortion goes against teachings on the sanctity of life as they believe that life starts at conception. On the contrary, Liberal Protestants are pro-choice, believing that the mother has the right of choice. They believe that life starts at birth or when the baby is viable, hence seeing no issue with abortion within the current UK law. They do however believe that the mother should base her choice on quality of life- both hers and the baby’s. This could be a situation such as a teenage pregnancy where the mother is reliant on her parents; or a foetus with a physical defect and is bases upon John 10:10 teachings- ‘God gives us life and life to the full.’ Christians from the Church of England have views which can be described as a combination of Liberal and Catholic views. Similar to Catholics they believe that abortion is wrong, however they do believe like Liberals, that abortion can be justified if it is the lesser of two evils for example: if the foetus is severely disabled or the life of the mother is at risk. There is also difference in opinion in Hinduism. The majority of Hindus believe that all life is sacred as it is a gift from God and that there should be no interference in natural processes. It is also a Hindu belief that sex should be only for pro-creation and that abortion is against the Hindu belief of ahimsa. Others believe that the Atman only enters the foetus at the fifth month, making abortion just before then. Personally, as a Christian I share the views of Church of England Christians in my belief that abortion should be available but only used in exceptional circumstances such as conception through incest or
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