A Worn Path

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Page 1 Title: A Worn Path Author: Eudora Wetly Setting: The setting of this story begins in 1941 in Southwestern Mississippi countryside in the fields and ends in the town of Natchez medical center. It was very early in the morning on a bright and frozen day in the month of December on Christmas day. Phoenix Jackson is a small and very old lady who started her day walking in the wilderness on her way towards town to pick up medicine for her grandson. She’s has been going back and forth trying to get medicine to sooth her grandson’s sore throat. Plot: The exposition of the story is about Phoenix Jackson an elder negro women with her courage and determination to go against all the odds against her that gives the impact in the story, The rising action of this story begins shortly after Phoenix Jackson went deeper and deeper down the road between high green colored banks. Overhead the live-oaks met, and it was as dark as a cave. When suddenly a black dog came out the weeds. She thought to herself “ That black dog come out of the weeds to stall you off and now there he sitting on his fine tail, smiling at you”. Soon after a young white man with a gun comes along and he laughs at Phoenix and ask what she was doing there. The white man pointed his gun at Phoenix as she stood straight and faced him. He asked her if the gun scared her and she replied “No, sir, I seen plenty go off closer by, in my day, Page 2 and for less then what I done”. The crises in this short story is the determination to get her grandson’s medicine to sooth his sore throat. There is also her determination by speaking up to the nurse and telling her after beginning humiliated “ We is the only two left in the world” and “ My little grandson, he sits up there in the house all wrapped up waiting by himself. The climax in this short story is Phoenix Jackson reaching the medical office
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